Yeast Infections

Late springtime is a common time for yeast infections as both pitta and kapha are elevated this time of year. Many of us do not want to have to use conventional yeast products because they have side effects; or because we want to come back into balance so the yeast stays gone (instead of coming back 2-3 weeks after taking diflucan or monistat… 🙁 ). Below is my suggestion for what to implement at the very start of a yeast infection:


  • decrease kapha in the diet (especially simple sugars)
  • decrease pitta in the diet (especially fermented things….fermented sugar=alcohol, so that’s out too)
  • increase the use of coconut in your diet in every way…naturally fights yeast and helps to soothe inflammation
  • watch out for kefirs and “probiotic” products that have a lot of simple sugars

HERBS (we carry all of these, by the way…)

  • shardinuka/ gurmar helps to decrease sugar cravings and reduce kapha
  • licorice tea is great for douching because it cools and soothes and helps counteract yeast
  • ginger is a natural antimicrobial and reduces kapha
  • turmeric is also a natural antimicrobial and reduces kapha
  • echinacea is another great immune support and balances both kapha and pitta
  • triphala–(of course…everyone knows why, right?)


  • Candex- This approach is to disable fungal cell wall synthesis so yeast cannot grow. It’s noticeably effective within a few days. (Thanks to Aleks at The Birth Sanctuary for introducing me to this product.)
  • Probiotics-You don’t need a super expensive one. Homemade yogurt is the best. The important aspect is consistent use.
  • Ampachakvati-reduces ama and restores healthy digestive fire


  • Comfortable, loose fitting clothing or being naked
  • Routine!

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