We're Amazing!

East meets West

Siva discusses Western diagnoses and treatments with clients to help them understand their Western medical care. More importantly, we teach you how your ayurvedic process interfaces with your Western medical care. With training in both Ayurveda and Western Medicine, Siva offers an integrative perspective to your ayurvedic process. We believe in the great power of natural healing remedies, and also believe in the great power of Western medicine. Each has their appropriate place, and we guide clients to appropriate medical professionals as needed. The difference is that our clients are educated and informed on their Western options and course of treatment.

More than symptom management

At first, many clients are interested in finding relief from an ailment. We understand and believe everyone deserves wellbeing. However, we take things a bit further to examine root causes of dis-ease. In other words, how did you come to have this ailment in the first place and how can we prevent this in the future? In fact, through pulse and history, Siva identifies areas of prevention for each client as part of her intake process. This way your ayurvedic process incorporates preventive approaches that are specific for you.

Cultivating spiritual awareness

At Ayurveda By Siva, ayurveda is much more than just treating ailments naturally. A fundamental part of the ayurvedic process is getting in touch with our spiritual selves. Ultimately, it is our inner voice, or spirit, that guides the path to balance—and this path is unique for each of us.

Ongoing support

Our lifestyles and habits, our life experience, and our constitutions all interplay to influence our vikruti, or current state of balance. At Ayurveda By Siva, we don’t expect you to be able to change your entire diet, routine, lifestyle, relationship dynamics, etc. overnight. Chances are, it took many years to get you where you are, and may take time (and loving support) to change major aspects of your life affecting your health. We take the process step by step, creatively working through obstacles together. This is why our clients work with us for at least a year, and most stay connected or come in when they face new challenges or transitions and need extra support years down the road.

Herbal formulas made with love

Organic, and infused with healing intention, our formulas are made in house to address specific therapeutic goals. We’re picky about our herbs, and maintain medicinal-grade quality herbs from fair-trade, and local when possible, vendors. Herbs are safe for use by clients of all ages.

“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”


Empowerment through education

With over fifteen years of teaching experience, Siva believes the key to empowering ourselves to healing is education. We educate clients on how and why each ayurvedic intervention or lifestyle pattern affects them. Have you ever been to an “alternative” healer and felt great afterwards, but not understood why? When you learn how ayurveda works, you can apply it yourself, and you can teach others. In this way, you slowly become empowered to heal yourself.

Practicing what we preach

At Ayurveda By Siva, we remind ourselves that we are all human. We understand that the path to finding balance is not always easy, but believe that each of our paths is our spiritual evolution. We continue to strive for change and balance ourselves, applying ayurveda in our own lives in new ways. Siva, and all of her staff, practice ayurveda in their personal lives.

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